2024 Spring Mid-Master Presentation

Every June, our fall enrollment M2 (2nd-year masters) students present their research projects and obtain useful feedback from the program faculty. The students will use this feedback to improve their final papers, which they must submit by the end of July and present in August to graduate. We encourage all students in our program to attend these presentations, and we also encourage students from other programs to attend and give feedback.

Our students presented on topics as diverse as the economic and health effects of state-to-state temporary work programs, the impact of more rigorous tax enforcement policies on firm performance, as well as the impact of volunteer training on waste collection.


International Economic Development Program

The International Economic Development Program fosters advanced professionals and researchers who can contribute creatively and collaboratively to development policy planning, implementations, evaluations and improvements towards promotion of sustainable development goals, through acquisition of global perspectives, and knowledge and skills necessary in evidence-based interdisciplinary social science.