
IEDP offers a methods sequence alongside substantive courses and other required courses that students will take to learn the tools they need successfully conduct original research for their thesis project. For specifics on how many and what types of courses are required, please refer to the Student Handbook.

We offer the following degrees:

IEDPIEDPHU-Graz Joint International Master’s Programme
Master of PhilosophyDoctor of PhilosophyMaster of Science
Master of International Cooperation StudiesDoctor of Philosophy in International Cooperation Studies
Master of EconomicsDoctor of Philosophy in Economics
Master of Business AdministrationDoctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

We also offer the following electives:

  • Economic Statistical Analysis
  • Global Governance
  • Rural Development
  • Management of Technology
  • Human Resource Development
  • Public Administration and Management
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Urban Policy
  • International Cooperation
  • Agriculture Production Economics
  • Game Theory
  • Remote Sensing for Social Sciences

International Economic Development Program

The International Economic Development Program fosters advanced professionals and researchers who can contribute creatively and collaboratively to development policy planning, implementations, evaluations and improvements towards promotion of sustainable development goals, through acquisition of global perspectives, and knowledge and skills necessary in evidence-based interdisciplinary social science.