
Highlights of recent joint student-faculty publications

  • Q1 papers only
  • Faculty (current) name in bold
  • Student (at the time) name in italics

Aboagye, P. D., & Sharifi, A. (2024). Urban climate adaptation and mitigation action plans: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189, 113886. doi:

Ayertey, W., Sharifi, A., & Yoshida, Y. (2024). The impact of increase in block pricing on electricity demand responsiveness: Evidence from Ghana. Energy, 288, 129858. doi: ​

Nazir, L., & Sharifi, A. (2024). An analysis of barriers to the implementation of smart grid technology in Pakistan. Renewable Energy, 220, 119661. doi:

Nazmul Haque, M., & Sharifi, A. (2024). Justice in access to urban ecosystem services: A critical review of the literature. Ecosystem Services, 67, 101617. doi:

Zhang, Z., & Sharifi, A. (2024). Analysis of decoupling between CO2 emissions and economic growth in China’s provincial capital cities: A Tapio model approach. Urban Climate, 55, 101885. doi:

Saparova, G., Khan, G.D., & Joshi, N.P. (2024) Linking farmers to markets: Assessing small-scale farmers’ preference for an official phytosanitary regime in the Kyrgyz Republic. Economic Analysis and Policy, 81, 696-708. ​

Bari, M. A., Khan, G. D., Katayanagi, M., & Yoshida, Y. (2024). Gender dynamics of the impact of cash transfer on female educational expenditure of informal settlements in Bangladesh. World Development Perspectives, 34, 100591.

Atabekov, M., Bilotkach, V., Kawata, K., Khan, G. D., Miyoshi, C., Sakamoto, M., & Yoshida, Y. (2024). Double-edged impacts of carbon footprint information on international air travel demand. Journal of Air Transport Management, 117, 102570.

Paudel, J., Sharifi, A., & Khan, G. D. (2023). What are the drivers of sustainable energy transition? Insights from an empirical analysis of household preferences for electric induction cooking in Nepal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 417, 138021. doi:

Haque, M. N., Mahi, M. M., Sharif, M. S., Rudra, R. R., & Sharifi, A. (2023). Changes in the economic value of ecosystem services in rapidly growing urban areas: the case of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-023-26096-0​

Liu, Y., Lee, C.Y., Kaneko, S., & Joshi, N.P. (2023) Intergenerational education effect of child marriage in marginal settlements of Nepal. Third World Quarterly, 44(9), 2046-2062.

Huang, Q., Khan, G. D., & Yoshida, Y. (2023). Assessing Health and Dietary Issues of Households Displaced Due to the Aynak Copper Mine Project, Afghanistan. The Extractive Industries and Society, 15, 101299. ​

Zhu, Yifei, and Keshav Lall Maharjan. (2023). Does Participation in the “Grain for Green Program” Change the Status of Rural Men and Women? An Empirical Study of Northeast China. Sustainability 15, (23) 16447.

Jena, P.R., Tanti, P.C., Maharjan, K.L. (2023). Determinants of adoption of climate resilient practices and their impact on yield and household income. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 14,100659.​

Faruk, M.O., Maharjan, K.L. (2023). The Determinants of Farmers’ Perceived Flood Risk and Their Flood Adaptation Assessments: A Study in a Char-Land Area of Bangladesh. Sustainability 15(18),13727.​

Maharjan, K.L., Singh, M., Gonzalvo, C.M. (2023). Drivers of environmental conservation agriculture and women farmer empowerment in Namobuddha municipality, Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 13,100631.

Aboagye, P. D., & Sharifi, A. (2023). Post-fifth assessment report urban climate planning: Lessons from 278 urban climate action plans released from 2015 to 2022. Urban Climate, 49, 101550. doi:

International Economic Development Program

The International Economic Development Program fosters advanced professionals and researchers who can contribute creatively and collaboratively to development policy planning, implementations, evaluations and improvements towards promotion of sustainable development goals, through acquisition of global perspectives, and knowledge and skills necessary in evidence-based interdisciplinary social science.